The Answer is Always Love

The Answer is Always Love

On my mind this week is “community love” or “community in love.” There is no more powerful energy than love.  As these two concepts settled in my heart, I felt I would venture to share my thoughts. This nudge came from an online post announcing...
Have You Lost Your Muchness?

Have You Lost Your Muchness?

“You’re not the same as you were before. You were much more…muchier. You’ve lost your muchness.” (Lewis Carroll – Alice in Wonderland) My take on this quote is that Mad Hatter refers to Alice losing connection to her inner child....
Timeless Christmas Memories

Timeless Christmas Memories

Timeless Christmas Memories. They seem to flood our hearts when we least expect them and even when we call them up purposefully. What makes memories important? They connect us with our heritage, ancestors, and who we thought we were. Who are the memory keepers? What...

Thank you. Your Responses Have Been Recorded

Well! We are well into January 2024! Each week since Christmas has been cleverly marked by a snowstorm. Sometimes, several. At least, no doubt some entity, somewhere, thought it was clever. I wouldn’t mind any of it if there were snow without rain. Considering...