by Lillian Lake | | Spiritual
Ripples of ribbon adorn our still bright green and well-lit Christmas tree. We say we’ll get a smaller tree, but every year we don’t. To some, our tree is small. To others, it is monstrous. Light causes glass icicles to glisten as they drip from the tips...
by Lillian Lake | | Spiritual, Uncategorized
Author’s note: Somehow, in the busyness of the season, publishing this got lost in the hustle and bustle. But I think no story that serves to illuminate the world has an expiration. I hope you enjoy these brief thoughts on trust and faith. By the time this is...
by Lillian Lake | | Spiritual
Christmas is the season of magic and miracles. I believe everything is a miracle and that there are extraordinary miracles, such as the wicks of the Menorah, that miraculously burned for eight days, even though there was only enough for one day. And the extraordinary...
by Lillian Lake | | Spiritual
There are times when we must speak. We know this to be accurate, yet knowing when to speak, listen, or take action is not always as easy as it seems. Added to these words, wrote Mary Quinn in 2010, “not because you will change the other person, but because if...
by Lillian Lake | | Caregiving
My cousin, Tom, passed away. I think of how he changed after the passing of his wife, never letting go of his anger over her death. It was an exceptionally tragic passing when our knowledge of cancer was in its infancy so many years ago. Her death inspired my...
by Lillian Lake | | Spiritual
Last night, I was drawn outside by a red light shining on the backyard fence. I should check to see that it was nothing to be concerned about, although I suspected it was due to the outdoor Christmas lights. It was, and my concern was alleviated. I was dressed only in...
by Lillian Lake | | Spiritual
“We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.” (T.S.Elliot) You are the love you have been waiting for. Last weekend, I was at an all-weekend workshop on the...
by Lillian Lake | | Building Community, My Blog, Spiritual
Abundance is not having more than you need; it’s having what you need. Many of us turn introspective when discussing gratitude and abundance this time of year. Abundance is a matter of perspective. For some, it is not enough, no matter how much they have. For...
by Lillian Lake | | Spiritual
Rudeneja (ROO-den-Ay-HA) is a Lithuanian word for describing when the weather begins to feel like Autumn — dying, mouldering leaves, the feel of crispy leaves and twigs crunching beneath our feet—the sound of cracking branches and crackling fires in fireplaces....
by Lillian Lake | | Caregiving, Grief, Spiritual
“In the gardens of memory, in the palace of dreams, it is there we shall meet.” (Alice in Wonderland) (Photo credit: Lillian Lake) On the afternoon of my mother’s passing, I went by the lake alone to sit and gaze into the soft ripple moving against...