Our Blog is here to help keep you informed about new local projects, concerns, and news events going on in Maine and the country.


Topic ~ Caregiving

Topic ~ Human Trafficking

There Are Times When You Must Speak

There Are Times When You Must Speak

In the United States, January is Human Trafficking Awareness month. Sadly, this crime against humanity is why this day exists. But even more sadly, most people are unaware there is even such a thing as human trafficking, to say nothing about a month to acknowledge...

Topic ~ Food

A Wellness Journey Begins

A Wellness Journey Begins

In the beginning. Eight years ago, following emergency surgery and an extended stay in the hospital, I couldn't eat any food without extreme bloating and pain, requiring a potent pain reliever. I spent months on bone broth and didn't have the energy to walk beyond my...

Summer Sunshine Lemon Cooler Cookies

Summer Sunshine Lemon Cooler Cookies

My “go-to” therapy is playing my piano or baking when I have something challenging to work through. As hot as it was in Iowa when we were there on vacation a few weeks ago, I baked up a storm. Coincidentally, it did storm with all kinds of crazy thunder and lightning....

Topic ~ Spiritual

The Answer is Always Love

The Answer is Always Love

On my mind this week is "community love" or "community in love." There is no more powerful energy than love.  As these two concepts settled in my heart, I felt I would venture to share my thoughts. This nudge came from an online post announcing the formation of the...

Have You Lost Your Muchness?

Have You Lost Your Muchness?

"You're not the same as you were before. You were much more...muchier. You've lost your muchness." (Lewis Carroll - Alice in Wonderland) My take on this quote is that Mad Hatter refers to Alice losing connection to her inner child. She has forgotten how to play and be...

Topic ~ Building Community

The Answer is Always Love

The Answer is Always Love

On my mind this week is "community love" or "community in love." There is no more powerful energy than love.  As these two concepts settled in my heart, I felt I would venture to share my thoughts. This nudge came from an online post announcing the formation of the...

Have You Lost Your Muchness?

Have You Lost Your Muchness?

"You're not the same as you were before. You were much more...muchier. You've lost your muchness." (Lewis Carroll - Alice in Wonderland) My take on this quote is that Mad Hatter refers to Alice losing connection to her inner child. She has forgotten how to play and be...