by Lillian Lake | | Building Community, Farms, Food, Locally Made
And just like that, summer collapsed into fall. – Oscar Wilde It would be honest to say that Oscar Wilde’s words regarding fall are nearly my favorite way to describe how I feel about this particular change of the season. The others seem to be gradual, but it...
by Lillian Lake | | Farms, Food
For the last eight years, I’ve been learning about topsoil erosion and preventive, regenerative agricultural practices as a means to understanding how our food is grown and how it relates to the plant-based eating vs. meat-eating discussion. The two instances...
by Lillian Lake | | Building Community, Farms, Food, Stop Trafficking
A few years ago, as I was doing my catalog Christmas shopping, I had a few questions, so I decided to call the company directly. Their customer service is excellent. As the representative was chatty, I imagine it must have been a slower evening. She asked me what I do...
by Lillian Lake | | Building Community, Farms, Food
“The road goes ever on and on. Down from the door where it began. Now far ahead the Road has gone…” (J.R.R.Tolkien) Before I sat down to the computer this morning to do my daily writing, I sat pondering how far we’ve come from the days of living in a cave to the...
by Lillian Lake | | Building Community, Farms, Food
I’m at the end of a tough week that included facilitating family caregiving groups twice a week and reuniting a lost four-year-old with her father. The child had wandered away in the grocery store. Because he kept apologizing, I had a distinct impression the father...
by Lillian Lake | | Building Community, Farms, Food
In the late 1970s, grain prices were significantly down, farms auctioned at record numbers, and seemingly, people had forgotten how their food got to the table. Grocery stores magically had an abundance of food. I was a youngster then, but I remember asking my then...