by Lillian Lake | | Spiritual, Uncategorized
Author’s note: Somehow, in the busyness of the season, publishing this got lost in the hustle and bustle. But I think no story that serves to illuminate the world has an expiration. I hope you enjoy these brief thoughts on trust and faith. By the time this is...
by Lillian Lake | | Grief, Spiritual, Uncategorized
Last year I thought I would generally write about my health crisis more than I did. I’ve since decided only to share pieces when I think they are most helpful. This week I share a piece of my story related to mental health. Following emergency abdominal surgery...
by Lillian Lake | | Food, Recipes, Uncategorized
Casseroles are an American classic. In the 1950s the American homemaker designed casseroles to be easy, budget-friendly, and nutritious and often used leftovers. Food shortages existed during World War l and ll. These shortages taught homemakers to be thrifty and the...