It has been years since I’ve bothered to make New Year resolutions.

I’ve never been one to be interested in such a thing. I assume most people don’t keep them even if they make them because why else would there be so many out there claiming they can help you keep them. Or they are writing blogs and articles on how to write resolutions, so they are meaningful. Or non-resolution articles in favor of goal setting. Mostly we make the same boring resolutions every year as though making a list is one more thing to check off our “to do” list.

And there is the “goal setting” and picking a “word” for the year. I think the latter is probably one I view more favorably, especially if somebody put thought into it. My friend’s word is “me.” Her year is going to be about her. She said the things she will work on would directly affect her and those who matter to her. That seems like an honorable mission.

My advice this year is not to feel pressured to have a goal, a word, or to write resolutions. Our number one thing to do is to reawaken to knowing we are one with Spirit. Find your peace, and all will fall into place.

The world is rapidly changing.

When we don’t allow change to happen freely, we make our lives overly complicated and stressed. That said, there are things I’d like to happen organically for the world and me personally.

  • COVID is on its way out, and with that, we should cease being distracted. Work on being more creative in imagining the impossible. for equitable solutions to energy concerns, cultural disparities, growing food, and peaceful communities.
  • Children are my focus this year in all ways necessary to their well-being.
  • My first children’s cookbook proposal will be out the door!
  • Decide the colors I’ll add to my all-white farmhouse-style kitchen. Black or blue? Both? Sometimes the most straightforward decisions trip us up.
  • Go someplace new-to-me in New England.
  • Treating each other with compassion becomes everyone’s daily “to do.”
  • Remember to be grateful for water.
  • Be more vocal about things that matter to me. Seriously, I’ve mellowed, and I need to step it up.
  • Encourage everyone of all ages who can get cooking and baking!
  • Have the courage to share how my food journey has helped me come back from the dead.
  • Support all those striving to heal – spiritually, emotionally, physically, and mentally.
  • Remember, and encourage others to do the same, that this moment is mine. It’s the one that matters. Make it the best it can be.
  • Begin and end every day remembering joy. Encourage others to do the same.

None of us know what the next moment will bring. Trust and faith are better than force.

It’s time to let go of the past and create all that is beautiful.

Be the person who cares, loves, and gives more.

Happy New Year!