by Lillian Lake | | Climate Change, Coffee, Food
Well, good morning! At least it’s morning as I write this. If you’re reading this at another time of day, I hope your day has been manageable at the least and amazing at best. Sunshine and spring always make me nearly giddy with anticipation of summer months ahead. So...
by Lillian Lake | | Coffee, Food, Recipes
It takes me time to adjust to the fall time change in New England. Gaining an hour should be something to get excited about, but waking up in the dark and having it dark by late afternoon is not exciting. There is getting used to the sun being in a different morning...
by Lillian Lake | | Coffee, Food, GMO
With the coming of January, New England has finally had cold weather. It’s an excuse (like I needed one!) for an extra mug of java, burrowing down under my comforter, while holding my coffee mug in one hand and flipping through pages with the other. Cold weather means...
by Lillian Lake | | Coffee, Food
Starbucks announced last week they are using REAL pumpkin in their Pumpkin Spice Lattes. Well, if you ask any of my farmers, they’ll tell you their pumpkins have always been real. Aside from that, starting them this week seems to be rushing the season, but I decided I...
by Lillian Lake | | Coffee, Food
Anyone who knows anything about me, knows I love coffee. I love coffee, but not indiscriminately. I call my passion “beyond the bean”. Today is Monday and so it is I find myself working from home. I try to reserve Mondays for catching up on emails; writing; and...