Welcome to 31 Days of Selfcare
Here we are on day one of #31daysofselfcare – making self-care a daily, lifetime habit!
We’re going to take better care of ourselves starting with day one!
Business first! Here’s the link if you want to download a calendar and a few pages on which to take notes as I mentioned in the introductory post.
Ok! Let’s get started!
Endings and beginnings can be fun! And they can be challenging. Within every ending, the beginning is already there.
My beginning and ending.
Sharing stories help so here’s a piece of mine. My self-care catalyst was years ago when working as an assistant for a department manager. She bullied me daily. I tried reaching out for support. Either I was told it was my fault or to not let it bother me. The abuse persisted and I knew it was killing me. My boss began confining me to my office. Then one evening at the end a long day, I pushed my desk draw in and said to myself “I’m a good person doing great work. I deserve better and I’m going to find it.” It wasn’t easy leaving a secure income and place to go every day. I’ll always be grateful that I accepted the universe’s push and the support of my family.
However, I opened the door slowly to this change. A long, abusive work relationship had left me greatly wounded. What I most wanted was to be invisible, but I also knew I needed support. So I took some classes at the local university and kept my ear to the ground to discover my mission. I kept my eyes open to discover others who were experiencing this same pull. Those many years ago, I didn’t recognize the process I was experiencing as self-care, but it definitely was.
The journey to get here today has been darn hard. Many times I have wanted to give up. I want 31 days of self-care to help others who are struggling and feeling that pull from the universe. I want us all to recognize and discover our place within this magnificent universe and that no one person is more important than another. We are each important. And so it’s as important to take care of ourselves as it is to reach out to take care of another. When we take that time! What a difference personally, and for those around us!
Buddy up!
The buddy system is a great source of strength to help us learn and remember the different aspects of self-care. What works for some doesn’t work for us all. What works for us as individuals may not work for anyone else. A buddy or buddies helps remind us we are not alone and we shouldn’t give up.
Our minds try to protect us and often convinces us that the outside world knows us better than we know ourselves. It likes to plant self-doubt to the point where we may feel completely alone.
Here are 7 of my personal tips to feel strong when I feel alone.
- I remind myself that even if it doesn’t feel like at that moment, I’m loved and I’m important. Repeat.
- I write in journals and notebooks. I blog. I write letters to myself and other people.
- I say “thank you” to my “ego” for trying to protect me. I take a look at what it has to say, but in the long run, I go with my heart – it never leaves me in the lurch.
- I have loved ones who have passed on. I know they are still near me as close as my face. I talk to them. It brings me comfort and stills me enough to work my way through a difficult situation.
- I’m connected to Spirit. This connection is largely who I am. I know I can talk with Spirit and ask for support any time I wish.
- Sometimes a thought triggers the feeling of aloneness so I change the perception of my thoughts by changing location. I may get up and make a beverage or a snack. I go for a walk or run – even if it’s just around my dwelling.
- I volunteer.
Who can we ask for support when creating and maintaining self-care habits?
- Clergy
- Neighbor
- Friends
- Parents or other family members
- Co-worker
- Partners and spouses
- Ourselves in the form of mindful meditation (this will come up again in the next 30 days)
- A pet. Cuddling up to a warm being helps the heart connection and sometimes that’s all it takes.
Be sure to jot some notes down. Add ideas to the comment section so we can all learn who we can go to when we feel we need support. And remember! We are never, never as alone as we feel. We’re never alone.
So how are you feeling on your first day of 31 Days of Selfcare!
I’m so glad we’re all here together sharing this journey!
Beautiful! The volunteer suggestion made me realize how I rely on my “coworkers” for support beyond helping the animals at the animal shelter where I volunteer. Both staff and other volunteers have been invaluable support “buddies.”
I really appreciate your response. We don’t always consciously recognize those who turn out to be our “buddies”, but what a treat when we do. I’m grateful for friends AND strangers who have offered me a kind word or expression of encouragement when I’m not expecting one, especially. And in turn, to remember to let our buddies know how much we appreciate them. I’m so happy you stopped by and shared!
We have all been in difficult life situations and feeling alone is so human. Thank you for sharing your personal experience so that we all can benefit. I too had a painful work experience that propelled me to start my own business. It was hard but as you point out the Universe/Spirit is always supporting us. Today I am grateful for the he lessons and the gifts. You are an inspiration. Thank you for your compassionate heart.
You’re welcome, Lucille. Our side conversations are very healing and give me great courage. I learn much from you. Compassion is mercy + forgiveness. We often learn the value of compassion in the most uncomfortable way. Namaste.